Friday 5 February 2016

OCR GCSE Section B - TV Comedy Lesson 4: Audience Pleasures

Lesson 4: Audience Pleasure

Learning Objective - To understand the term ‘audience pleasure’ and to be familiar with the various pleasured offered by comedy programmes.

Exercise One: Make a spider diagram of all the different reasons people might watch TV.  Try to think about different kinds of people, too.  For example, older, lonely people might watch TV for company. Try also to think about why people watch different kinds of programmes. Put a smiley/laughing face next to the reasons you think could apply to comedy programmes in particular.

What does this term 'Audience Pleasures' means?

Basically, what enjoyment do we get out of these shows? 

When it comes to comedy programmes you might think the answer is simple - because they make us laugh, but in this case, there is so much more to it. 

How do they make us laugh? Why do we like laughing? What is so funny about the funny things? What else do we like about comedy shows? It is these things you need to understand and write about in your exam.

Exercise Two: Remind yourself of the four main comedy programme types: sitcom, stand up, sketch show and panel/quiz show. Look through the various audience pleasures below, see if you can match each to a comedy type and see if you can give an example from the comedy programmes you have seen. Pleasures might apply to more then one type.

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